Thursday, February 15, 2018

Emotions: GPS for your mind

The future is fast approaching, and unprecedented technological progress will increasingly characterize every aspect of life. Adapting to constant change requires mental flexibility. My upcoming book, 'Athena's Wisdom,' anticipates the personal side of this forthcoming singularity. My goal is to create a book that serves the reader in every step. This book will put you in the know about this exciting field full of practical information about effective practices based on the latest neuroscience research. The following is an excerpt from the book.

Historically, the economic necessity to use brute force and tedious work made intellect unnecessary and even dangerous. The breathtaking technological transformation of the past one hundred years replaced hard physical labor with machines. In contrast, human intellectual involvement is increasingly important at every level in the corporate world and society. The recognition that conflicts and problems between employees tax morale, degrade efficiency, and shorten the time spent on work led to increasing awareness and focus on the work environment's human side. 

Emotional and intellectual patterns are absorbed early in life by observing and copying the family environment. This powerful mental legacy hands the cultural fabric of society to the next generation. Unfortunately, parents also project accumulated fears, weaknesses, and imperfect emotional coping mechanisms onto their children. Thus, children grow up with a rigid mindset from the past and carry emotional triggers that predispose them to failure. Unfortunately, personal change can take generations. Emotional instability leads to attention problems, making it impossible to absorb the school material and handicap a person’s ability to contribute successfully at work. High intellect requires emotional stability, confidence, and love. 

Starting in Kindergarten, social skills can be taught and practiced in school. But changing the mind and mastering emotions is possible at any age. Bringing this awareness to companies and communities can transform society.  Over time, the understanding of emotion regulation can become as common as traffic rules. In a world where this understanding is a democratic right, individuals feel secure and supported. Support enhances responsibility towards our society, the environment, and for each other. Confident citizenry elects responsible governments, which act for peace, prosperity, and well-being. The positive changes on the individual level would meet positive changes in society and lead to a better world.

Discussion about this paradigm shift, information, and news events will be shared on FaceBook. Sign up to receive notification about the publication of my Upcoming book on emotion regulation

Picture credit: Mother and child by Eva Deli

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Copyright © 2018 by Eva Deli


  1. Eva I have been reading you for past 6 yrs.I loved this article too.

    1. Thank you for your kind feedback. I am glad you find value in my work.
